Friday, July 10, 2009

Kami's idea

so i was on kamis blog a few days ago and i saw the coolest thing she posted this thing that first 5 people to leave her a comment she will make a home made thing for them!!!! and i was the first person to leave a comment so she gets to make me somthing!!!!!! and i am going to kinda do the same thing but a little differnt first 2 people to leave me a comment i will buy them a candy bar!!!!!and if you are one of the first 2 the comment that you leave me tell me what candy bar that you would like!!!!! so leave comments fast!!!!! thanks!!!!!


  1. oooh sounds good!!! so, i guess i would choose...airheads! is that okay? this is a good idea!

  2. ya this is a good idea madi! and i would probally chose a kit kat will that be ok?

  3. yay!!!!! btw=by the way we need to hang out Madi!!!!

  4. ya i know makall we will need to get together soon before the summer is over!!!
